Quick access popup is used to popup a
Quick access popup is used to popup a

  • when the Explorer extension Clover is installed, support folder navigation in the current tab instead of opening a new tab.
  • fix description label errors when changing a hotkey in "Options, Other hotkeys".
  • check for updates prompt for download v6+ only if OS is Win7+, if v6+ prompt for ugrade to Quick Access Popup.
  • disabled collecting group load diagnostic data.
  • fix bug with favorite application parameters, letting user enclose parameters with double-quotes only if required.
  • add option to disable sound on some tray tips.
  • add a short delay after tray tip in notification zone for Windows 10 compatibility.
  • shorten notification tray tip texts for better display on Windows 10.
  • quick access popup is used to popup a

    shorten application description in executable file for Windows 10 display.adjust menu icons to Windows 10 icon files.update special folders initialization for Windows 10.Fix an error in link for setup file in v5.2.1.Thanks to LearningOne for sharing his code and to others who helped in this thread on forum.

    quick access popup is used to popup a

    Move like a breeze between your frequently used folders and documents! Freeware.

    Quick access popup is used to popup a